Cheshire West & Chester Council

Cheshire West and Chester Council are responsible for most of the services provided in the area. See:

Your attention is drawn to the following:



Planning applications are dealt with by Cheshire West and Chester Council. Most applications are determined under delegated authority by Council Officers. The remainder are determined by the Council’s planning committee which consists of elected Councillors. Prior to the determination of a planning application there is a consultation period during which anyone may submit objections, support, comments, observations in writing/on line.

The Council will not normally answer questions contained in these submissions. Residents are free to contact their Cheshire West and Chester Councillor about a planning application. Cuddington Parish Council are a consultee for all planning applications in their area. These are considered at each Parish Council meeting and objections / comments forwarded to the planning authority.

CWaC Planning Portal

CWaC Planning Application Monthly Lists

CWaC Planning and Building Consultancy / Advice


Many services provided by the Council are subject to a “REPORT IT” scheme such as the reporting of pot holes in the road, pavement trip hazards, fly tipping, blocked drains causing flooding on road. The list is extensive. You are encouraged to report via the website ( Click here ). You may also report by phone or at a Council Service Centre.



Council policy is to improve recycling rates and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. Everyone is encouraged to recycle. The appropriate boxes are obtainable free from the Council. It is important that the contents of bins and boxes do not blow away in the wind. Lids to boxes are provided by the Council or alternatively the contents may be secured in other ways.

To help increase food waste recycling we need to raise awareness and help make it even easier for our customers to recycle more food waste. The Recycle First collection service collects your food waste every week.

To find out what you can recycle visit:

If you wish to order new or extra recycling containers please visit:

To find out about what happens to the food waste collected, click on:



These should be reported to the Council in cases where the hedge or tree are Council owned or clearly the responsibility of the Council. If not Cuddington Parish Council may be able to help.



The Council grit the roads in anticipation of bad weather in accordance with priorities established and which are regularly reviewed. There are primary routes and when completed the Council will do the secondary routes. However, it is possible to contact the Council and request an area to be gritted. It is also possible for the Council to supply a grit bin at roadside in appropriate locations.

If you have any issues relating to the work of the Council you should as a first step contact the Council. Should you feel that your issue has not been handled satisfactorily, it is suggested that you contact your Cheshire West and Chester Councillor. They are listed below and all represent Weaver and Cuddington Ward.


Cheshire West and Chester Councillors


Gillian Edwards cwac

Councillor Gillian Edwards
Weaver & Cuddington Ward, Cheshire West & Chester Council, HQ Building, 58 Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NP

T: 07823 482982 | E:

cllr phil rimmer

Councillor Phil Rimmer
Weaver & Cuddington Ward, Cheshire West & Chester Council, HQ Building, 58 Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NP

T: 07549 146467 | E:

cllr lynn stocks

Councillor Lynn Stocks
Weaver and Cuddington Ward, Cheshire West & Chester Council, HQ Building, 58 Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2N

T: 07799 067150 | E:

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