About Cuddington Parish Council

Here is what we do

Parish Councils are the most local tier of Local Government. Cheshire West and Chester Council is responsible for most of the services provided in the area. Cuddington Parish Council adds value in various ways.

Here are some of what the Parish Council does.


  • Work with Cheshire West and Chester Council, promote their “Report It” scheme and
    consider funding improvements CWAC not able/ willing to do.
  • Work with the informal planting group and subject to agreement support what they do.
  • Subject to the availability of local volunteers encourage and support energy saving
  • Footpaths: work with the public and CWAC to achieve improvements and monitor
    maintenance issues.


  • Provide a nominated Councillor for membership of the Website Development Team and
    fund existing commitments in addition to any agreed expenditure
  • Support and fund publication of the Round Tower Newsletter
  • Where necessary provide a subsidy to the management company of the playing fields
  • Monitor and seek improvements to broadband and mobile phone connectivity in the village
  • Be aware of local Police issues by engaging with the PCSO regularly and seek to influence the work of the PCSO. Encourage greater visibility
  • Engage with local representative on Danebridge Medical Practice PPG
  • Promote Care that is available in the community and such services as “dial a ride” for those
    who qualify
  • Ensure that there is a comprehensive guide available of local providers of care within the
    Parish, working with the Website Development Team, the Round Tower and the Library
  • Encourage groups wishing to set up new activity groups in the village
  • Provide representation on Cemetery Committee to direct and scrutinise


  • Engage with Informal Group who are to review signage after completion of the 20MPH
    speed limit project and also to review signage in Cuddington Lane
  • Engage with Groups involved with Cuddington Station and the rail service
  • Be pro-active in monitoring the 82 bus service and look for improvements to the service
  • Consider funding road safety improvements which Cheshire West and Chester Council will
    not fund.


The Parish Council is often a consultee to outside bodies including Cheshire West and Chester.

Council and its role is to represent and promote the Parish Area. The Parish Council is a consultee for all planning applications within the Parish area. The Parish Council considers all planning applications and where appropriate responds with comments/ recommendations.

This provides the planning authority/ committee of Cheshire West and Chester Council a valuable local perspective. The Parish Council works with Cheshire West and Chester Council on strategic planning issues. A Neighbourhood Plan is being prepared and when approved will carry weight alongside local (CWAC) and national policies in the determination of all planning applications.

The Parish Council often works in partnership with Cheshire West and Chester Council Highways Department. Examples of this are reporting any road maintenance/ pot hole issues under the “Report It” scheme although the public are encouraged to do this as individuals. The Parish Council will highlight at its discretion any parking issues.


To be open and transparent in everything we do. To strive to improve the performance of the
Council. To provide good value for money and keep Parish Precept increases to within the cost of living unless there are exceptional circumstances.

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